This was my grandma's set. Some of the original set are missing (salad forks, soup spoons, butter spread knife), All 12 knives, 12 teaspoons, 12 tablespoons, 12 forks and 5 serving spoons match with the original set. Additional teaspoons 10 teaspoons with different design and another 4 teaspoons with another varied design.
Large soup spoons (2) Match the 10 varied teaspoons. Butter spread knife does not match (but is beautiful). Some have more patina than others in the set, as is typical for serving wear from this period.Please message if you have any additional questions and thanks for looking! Think of this listing as a larger part of an ongoing estate sale. Unique and rare items are not as far out of reach as we think. Please message with any questions about the listing item.
Check out some other listings in our store. We have a very wide assortment of collectibles, antiques, media, books, art, music, action figures, sports cards, vinyl records and much more. (Working diligently to get a very large inventory listed and available for viewing - if you don't see anything now, check back soon). All proceeds goes to pay off breast cancer medical bill debt.
But don't be sad, because she BEAT CANCER and is alive and well! Thank you so much for looking and for your support. We are not experts on our products. We do research on our products, and provide you with as much information on the product as we can find. Then describe them to the best of our ability. The pictures tell it all! Please use the close up.Feature to get the full view of each product. If you have any questions please feel free to send a message.